Dec 16, 2012

Michele Varian Dinnerware

We’re smitten with Angela Rossi’s latest dinnerware creations for Michele Varian. She is a self-taught, outsider artist that works with recycled, abused, broken and forgotten items creating altered antique plates, raw assemblage sculptures and mixed media portraits.

Collaged, altered, and painted, these anthropomorphic or circus portraits are applied to beautiful and ornate vintage plates. Angela spends her time scouring flea markets and online to continually have new plates to work with. Because the plates are vintage, each series is limited edition.

clockwise from left: Tattooed Lady, $52 Bearded Lady, $52 Uncle Buck & Aunt Doe, $88/pr. (SOLD) Duchess Cyclops, $98 Imperatrice, llama, $78 Burger Queen, $62 Deer Liza, $52